
Readings & Performances

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Reading with Anne Waldman, Ed Sanders, Peter Lamborn Wilson, and Michael Brownstein
Kleinert/James Center for the Arts
Woodstock, NY
November 13, 2015

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Reading and Launch of Barbaric Vast & Wild: Poems for the Millennium, Vol. 5
The Poetry Project
New York, NY
October 14, 2015

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Reading and Conversation for the Kelly Writers House Fellows Program
Kelly Writers House
Philadelphia, PA
Feburary 16, 2015

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Segue Series Reading at the Zinc Bar
New York City
March 5, 2014

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Reading for Conjunctions
NYU Bookstore
New York, NY
December 3, 2014

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Reading for Midi Minuit Poesie #14
October 10, 2014

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I’m Coming Up: Anne Waldman, “To the Censorious Ones” (“Open Address to Senator Jesse Helms”)
Hosted by Al Filreis and featuring Pierre Joris, Orchid Tierney, and Stacy Szymaszek
Poem Talk at the Kelly Writers House
Philadelphia, PA
May 13, 2014

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Reading at Oh! Sandy: A Remembrance hosted by Phong Bui
Industry City, Brooklyn, New York
November 10, 2013

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Readings in Contemporary Poetry series with Lee Ann Brown
Musical accompaniment on cello by Ha-Yang Kim
Dia Art Foundation
Chelsea, New York
February 26, 2012

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Reading with Ambrose Bye
Belladonna* Annual Benefit
Hi! Art Gallery
New York,
December 13, 2011

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Reading at Jerome Rothenberg’s 80th Birthday Tribute
CUNY Graduate Center
New York City
ecember 9, 2011

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Segue Series Reading
Bowery Poetry Club
New York City
December 11, 2010

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with Ambrose Bye
Sue Scott Gallery
New York City
December 9, 2010

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Appearing on Cross Cultural Poetics, hosted by Leonard Schwartz
KAOS-FM at The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington
March 4, 2010

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Reading from Poems for the Millennium III
Bowery Poetry Club
New York City
March 29, 2009

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Appearing at the Benefit Reading for Will Alexander
November 1, 2007

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Fund raising event for the Naropa University Archive
Featured performer: are Michelle Ellsworth, Steven Taylor, Cecilia Vicuna, and Anne Waldman
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art
Boulder, CO
July 24, 2005

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Appearing on Cross Cultural Poetics, hosted by Leonard Schwartz
KAOS-FM at The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington
January 26, 2004

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Anne Waldman and Bobbie Louise Hawkins reading
Naropa University
Boulder, CO
July 2, 2002
First half of a reading with Bobbie Louise Hawkins and Anne Waldman. Hawkins reads from her work “Take love, for instance.” Waldman reads “War crimes” followed by performances of “Bardo corridor,” and William Blake’s “Garden of love,” with musical accompaniment by Steven Taylor.

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Reading for the Belladonna Series
New York City
April 26, 2002

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Honoring the muse, Readings, Part 1
Boulder, CO
June 14, 2000
Second half of a benefit for the Boulder County Safehouse, a shelter for battered women.
Female poets read their own work, and the work of other women poets.
Readers include Lee Christopher, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Max Regan, Thalia Field, Julie Kizershot, Eileen Myles, Hettie Jones, Janine Pommy Vega, and Anne Waldman.

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Honoring the muse, Readings, Part 2
Boulder, CO
June 14, 2000
Second half of a benefit for the Boulder County Safehouse, a shelter for battered women.
Female poets read their own work, and the work of other women poets.
Readers include Lee Christopher, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Max Regan, Thalia Field, Julie Kizershot, Eileen Myles, Hettie Jones, Janine Pommy Vega, and Anne Waldman.

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Reading with Rikki Ducornet, Elaine Equi, Peter Lamborn Wilson, and Anne Waldman reading, Part 1
Naropa University
Boulder, CO
July 3, 1999
First half of a Naropa Summer Writing Program faculty reading with Peter Lamborn Wilson, Elaine Equi, Rikki Ducornet, and Anne Waldman, who is accompanied by Claude Brown and Steven Taylor. Peter Lamborn Wilson reads from his book Avant Gardening: Ecological Struggles in the City and the World. Elaine Equi reads her poetry, including “Letter of recommendation,” “Pink shutters,” and several others. Rikki Ducornet reads a piece about the Marquis De Sade. Anne Waldman reads from “Iovis and marriage: a sentence.” Pianist Claude Brown plays John Cage’s “Music for piano and one” while Waldman performs “Pieces of an hour.” Steven Taylor joins Waldman in performing “Negative capability blues” and “Kaliana Mitra,” which is based on Allen Ginsberg’s “Mind breaths.”

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Reading with Rikki Ducornet, Elaine Equi, Peter Lamborn Wilson, and Anne Waldman reading, Part 2
Naropa University
Boulder, CO
July 3, 1999
Second half of a Naropa Summer Writing Program faculty reading with Peter Lamborn Wilson, Elaine Equi, Rikki Ducornet, and Anne Waldman, who is accompanied by Claude Brown and Steven Taylor. Peter Lamborn Wilson reads from his book Avant Gardening: Ecological Struggles in the City and the World. Elaine Equi reads her poetry, including “Letter of recommendation,” “Pink shutters,” and several others. Rikki Ducornet reads a piece about the Marquis De Sade. Anne Waldman reads from “Iovis and marriage: a sentence.” Pianist Claude Brown plays John Cage’s “Music for piano and one” while Waldman performs “Pieces of an hour.” Steven Taylor joins Waldman in performing “Negative capability blues” and “Kaliana Mitra,” which is based on Allen Ginsberg’s “Mind breaths.”

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Wednesdays at 4Plus
University at Buffalo
March 13, 1996

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Reading with Jim Carroll, Eleni Sikelianos, Steven Taylor, Anne Waldman, Part 2
Naropa University
Boulder, CO
July 12, 1995
Second-third of a reading beginning with Eleni Sikelianos’ “Little Pasha,” “The Wild Beasts,” “The Miners,” “I Like the Way You Touched Me Last Night,” “Psalm,” “From my Shoe,” “After that I went to work in a sugar factory,” “The Emotional Stomach” and “The Blue Coat.” Anne Waldman continues with the “I’m a woman and I have a job” joke and the levitating story, followed by a reading of “Simulacrum.” Steven Taylor joins Anne and they play two Tibetan love songs. Jim Carroll finishes with “I am not Kurt Schwitters.”

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Reading with Diane diPrima, Allen Ginsberg, and Anne Waldman reading, Part 1
Naropa University
Boulder, CO
July 27, 1994
First half of a performance with Naropa faculty members Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Diane DiPrima, Michael Ondaatje, and Eileen Myles performing songs, poetry, and prose at the Fox Theater in Boulder, Colorado. Selections include Ginsberg’s “End and prayer blues,” Waldman’s “Jack Kerouac dream” and “Litany against AIDS,” diPrima’s “Neighborhood” and “I fail as a dharma teacher” Ondaatje’s “Brother thief” and excerpts from his book The English Patient, and Myles’s “Robin,” as well as many others.

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Reading of Ted Berrigan’s Sonnets. Naropa students, faculty, and friends read Berrigan’s Sonnets in “round-robin” style. Including Mark DuCharme, Allen Ginsberg, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Anselm Hollo, and Anne Waldman
Naropa University
Boulder, CO
July 8, 1993

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Amiri Baraka reading with Steven Taylor song performance
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 25, 1992
First half of a poetry reading at Naropa Institute with Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Amiri Baraka, and Steven Taylor performing songs. Ginsberg reads “Howl” and “Footnote to Howl.” Taylor sings “The virus will take one in ten” and “As I walked out one morning.” Waldman reads “May I speak thus” and other poems. Baraka reads “The mind of the president,” “The best kept secret,” “Masked angel costume,” “Changes Changing,” “X,” “Funk lore,” “I am” and other poems.

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Amiri Baraka reading with Steven Taylor song performance, Part 2
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 25, 1992
Second half of a poetry reading at Naropa Institute with Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Amiri Baraka, and Steven Taylor performing songs. Ginsberg reads “Howl” and “Footnote to Howl.” Taylor sings “The virus will take one in ten” and “As I walked out one morning.” Waldman reads “May I speak thus” and other poems. Baraka reads “The mind of the president,” “The best kept secret,” “Masked angel costume,” “Changes Changing,” “X,” “Funk lore,” “I am” and other poems.

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Reading with Steven Taylor, Andre Codrescu, Anne Waldman, Kathy Acker, and Bob Holman; Part 1
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 26, 1991

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Reading with Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman
Boulder Theater
Boulder, CO
July 12, 1991
Introductions by Bobbie Louise Hawkins and Anselm Hollo. Included in this reading are Ginsberg’s “After the Big Parade” and the first reading of “Fall of America.” Waldman, Steven Taylor and Elliot Greenspan perform works from Iovis.

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Michael McClure reading, Part 1
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 25, 1989
First half of a reading with Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Michael McClure with musical accompaniment by Steven Taylor. Ginsberg sings two songs and reads “Plutonium ode,” “Guru blues,” and other selections. Waldman’s performance includes “Her night” and “De sueno al sueno.”

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Gertrude Stein Marathon Reading
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 22, 1989
This tape is of a Gertrude Stein Marathon reading. It is the second of two tapes that includes Naropa students and faculty performing poems and a play by Stein. Performed works include “Short Sentances,” “History Slowly”, “As a Wife Has a Cow: A Love Story,” and Making of Americans.”

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Steven Taylor and Bobbi Louise Hawkins performance, Part 1
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 8, 1989
First half of a reading with Steven Taylor, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Allen Ginsberg, and Anne Waldman. Taylor sings “Who pays the piper calls the tune,” “Invisible people,” and other songs. Hawkins reads “Mrs. Florence Foster Jenkins” and other prose pieces.

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Steven Taylor and Bobbi Louise Hawkins performance, Part 2
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 8, 1989
Second half of a reading with Allen Ginsberg, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Anne Waldman, and Steven Taylor. This portion of the reading features Waldman and Ginsberg.

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Robert Duncan Memorial reading featuring Anne Waldman, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Jack Collom and others.
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
October 18, 1988

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman and Steven Taylor performance, Part 1
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 10, 1988
First half of a performance of music and poetry with Steven Taylor, Anne Waldman, and Allen Ginsberg. Taylor sings “Who pays the piper calls the tune,” “King cotton,” and others. Waldman’s performance includes “Artemis,” “Mother’s curse,” and “Cut.”

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman and Steven Taylor performance, Part 2
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 10, 1988
Second half of a performance of music and poetry by Steven Taylor, Anne Waldman, and Allen Ginsberg. Waldman performs “Bardo corridor” and other poems. Ginsberg and Taylor sing “Infant joy” and “The Tiger” by William Blake. Ginsberg reads and sings his own work, including “Spot anger” and many others.

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Anne Waldman and Douglas Dunn Poetry Reading
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
June 27, 1987

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Performance by Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, and Steven Taylor
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 13, 1987
The recording includes: Ginsberg accompanied by Taylor performing “1948: A Western Ballad,” Hawkins’s “Middle-Aged Woman Stardust Rap,” and Waldman accompanied by Taylor performing “Contra Chant.” Also included is an untitled song performed by Taylor.

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Anne Waldman and Jim Carroll reading, Part 1
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 3, 1986
First half of a poetry reading with Jim Carroll and Anne Waldman. Carroll reads “A day at the races,” “The poet and the vibrator,” “The new ordeal,” “With Van Gogh,” “Homage to Gerard Manley Hopkins,” “For Elizabeth,” “Fallen heroes” “For my generation” and “A child growing up with the sun.” Waldman reads “Coup de grace,” “Out there,” “Eyes in all heads to be looked out of,” “Ballade” (translation), “Sidney’s complaint,” “Queen” and “Bardo corridor.”

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Anne Waldman and Jim Carroll reading, Part 2
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 3, 1986
Second half of a poetry reading with Jim Carroll and Anne Waldman. Waldman reads “Skin meat bones,” “All hollow’s eve” (with flute accompaniment), “Sisters,” “A dialogue between a silicon child and a clematis flower” (with saxophone accompaniment), “Too bad trains,” “The tundra and the waves,” “You’re like ice” (with drums and gourd accompaniment) and “Anarchy.”

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Reading as part of “Nurturing in Times of Peril”
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
May 24, 1986

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Reading of Indian poets
A reading of the work of three Indian poets. The original language is read first, followed by the English translation. Reed Bye, Anne Waldman, and Bob Rosenthal read the translations.
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
May 20, 1986

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Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman and Steven Taylor performance
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 10, 1985
Waldman reads “Artemis,” Mother’s curse,” “Thoughts of the dolphin,” “Duality,” and other poems. Ginsberg reads his poetry and sings William Blake poetry and other songs. Taylor provides musical accompaniment. Introduction by Bobbie Louise Hawkins.

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Segue at the Ear Inn
New York City
October 27, 1984

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Poetry Reading with Reed Bye, Anne Waldman, Allen Ginsberg
May 31, 1980
Reed Bye reads pieces including “Life and Death,” “Life and Death,” and “Simple House,” and “To a Prisoner Waiting.”
Anne Waldman reads pieces including “Stones,” “Waiting,” and “Animals.”
Allen Ginsberg reads his “Ode to Failure,” a Sapphic poem, and “Classical Bathtub Thoughts” among others.

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Anne Waldman reading
Introduced by Allen Ginsberg, Waldman reads eleven of her poems including “Cable blue mosque.”
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
August 2, 1978

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Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman reading
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
April 10, 1977
Second half of an Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman reading. Ginsberg reads “Don’t grow old,” “What’s to be done about death,” “Monologues,” and others. Waldman reads recent letters and journal entries. She also reads the poems “Billy work peyote” and “Plutonium poem,” and others.

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Reading and musical performance by Allen Ginsberg, Peter Rowan, Michael Brownstein, Philip Whalen, Peter Orlovsky, and Anne Waldman. The reading served as a fundraiser for Naropa.
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
September 13, 1976

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Anne Waldman and Allen Ginsberg poetry reading
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
August 9, 1976
Waldman reads “Fast Speaking Woman” and other poems. Ginsberg reads “Howl” in its entirety, and other poems.

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Reading with Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and William S. Burroughs reading, Part 1
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
August 7, 1976
First half of a reading by Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and William S. Burroughs. Ginsberg reads “Ayer’s rock,” “December 1974,” “Hospital window,” “C’mon Jack,” “Don’t grow old” and “Father death blues.” Waldman reads “Musical garden,” “Energy crisis,” “Boulder poem” and “Shaman hisses.” David Rome reads Trungpa’s “Song of the white banner,” “Letter to Marpa,” “In spring,” spontaneous poems, “1111 Pearl Street” and “Zero is nothing.”

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Waldman reads her poetry including “Fast Speaking Woman”
S Press

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Reading by Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Diane diPrima, Part 1
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 30, 1974
First half of a reading by Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Diane diPrima. Some of the readings included are Waldman’s “Fast Speaking Woman,” Ginsberg’s “A Manifesto,” and diPrima’s “Loba.”

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Reading by Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Diane diPrima, Part 2
Naropa Institute
Boulder, CO
July 30, 1974
Second half of a reading by Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, and Diane diPrima. Some of the readings included are Ginsberg’s “Stay Away from the White House,” “Waldman’s “Empty Speech” and diPrima reading from “Revolutionary Letters.”

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Ted Berrigan and Anne Waldman, “Memorial Day”
The St. Mark’s Poetry Project
New York City
May 5, 1971

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“Three Minutes of My Life” from Tape Poems
ed. Eduardo Costa and John Perreault
