
Fellowship Conversation at the Kelly Writers House, Philadelphia, PA

Join Anne Waldman for a reading and conversation at the Kelly Writers House
February 16-17, 2015

Funded by a grant from Paul Kelly, the Kelly Writers House Fellows program enables us to realize two unusual goals. We want to make it possible for the youngest writers and writer-critics to have sustained contact with authors of great accomplishment in an informal atmosphere. We also want to resist the time-honored distinction — more honored in practice than in theory — between working with eminent writers on the one hand and studying literature on the other.

During the visit of each Fellow, a reading will take place on Monday at 6:30 PM. On Tuesday at 10 AM the Writers House will host a brunch followed by a one-hour interview/conversation; attendance for both programs is by rsvp only (rsvp to whfellow@writing.upenn.edu).

Both programs will be broadcast live worldwide on KWH-TV and both of the Monday and Tuesday programs will be available online. On Tuesday morning, you can participate along with the KWH-TV broadcast by emailing and phoning in questions. To participate (from a distance), write to whfellow@writing.upenn.edu. When responding, please specify exactly which program you are interested in.

In the Writers House Fellows Seminar, students will study the work of all three Fellows. The 2015 course is taught by Writers House Associate Director Julia Bloch. This year’s coordinator of the program is Lily Applebaum.

University of Pennsylvania
3805 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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