
Lectures, Classes, Workshops, & Interviews

A conversation between Anne Waldman and Woodland Pattern Programming Director, Mike Wendt. 
June 28, 2020

Invitation to the Species podcast
Interviewers: Alystyre Julian, Kyle Dacuyan, and Sarah Riggs
Description by: Erika Hodges 
March 2020

PoemTalk Podcast #76
Discussing Anne Waldman’s “To The Censorious Ones” (“Open Address to Senator Jesse Helms”)
December 3, 2013

PoemTalk Podcast #58
Discussing Bernadette Mayer’s “The Tragic Condition of the Statue of Liberty”
October 26, 2012

Lecture on Poetic Symbiosis
Kelly Writers House
Philadelphia, PA
February 29, 2012

Panel for Advancing Feminist Poetics and Activism
Belladonna Reading Series
New York City
September 24, 2009

Panel on poetry and ethics, Part 1
Jack Collom, David Henderson, Anne Waldman, Daisy Zamora
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 7, 2004
The opening panel of the Summer Writing Program at Naropa University recorded June 7, 2004. The topic of the panel is Po/Ethics, poetry and ethics. This panel is chaired by Anne Waldman who gives opening remarks on paying attention in our times. The panel features, Jack Collom on Ethics as a practice contrary to nature and the contrast of ethics and morality; Harryette Mullen on the negotiation between the stuggel to be a good human being versus the struggle to be a good artist and the curage to mediate; Dasiy Zamora on what being a poet means–the art of using the most murcurial of mediums: the word, and the dangers and necessities of being truthful in art, “you must walk with stelletos in your eyes so that you may penetrate the surface of things…”; and David Henderson on Ethics and Social activism, Harlem in the time of Richard Write and Ted Jones, and Amiri Baraka’s Who Blew Up America? This recording continues on 04P015. This is part 1 of 2.

Panel on poetry and ethics, Part 2
Jack Collom, David Henderson, Anne Waldman, Daisy Zamora
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 7, 2004
Continued from Part 1, this panel of PoEthics is mostly a question and answer period. Topics covered include, Poets Against the War, poetry in capitalism, the state of American values, and motivation to keep writing. This is part 2 of 2.

Panel: Performance and collaboration
Sonjia Sanchez, Steven Taylor, Edwin Torres, Anne Waldman, and Mac Wellman
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 30, 2003
Opening panel from week four of the 2003 Summer Writing Program. The topic is “Performance and Collaboration.” The panel includes Sonia Sanchez, Mac Wellman, and Edwin Torres with chair Steven Taylor. Highlights include discussion of the potential of performance and collaboration, Sonia Sanchez on the limiting of labeling performances according to genre and race, Mac Wellman on “the hoax” as a genre of writing, and a discussion of the social responsibility of the poet.

Panel: Cultural activism and writing
Joanne Kyger, Eleni Sikelianos, Akila Oliver, and Anne Waldman
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 23, 2003
The opening panel of week three of the 2003 Naropa Summer Writing Program discussing cultural activism and writing.

Alternative communities and writing panel
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 3, 2003
A panel with Eleni Sikelianos, Peter Warshall, Ed Sanders, Marcella Durand and Robin Blaser. The panelists discuss various ideas of community and the way in which writing affects society.

Panel: Anne Waldman, Joanne Kyger, Eleni Sikelianos, Harryette Mullen, Steven Taylor, Renee Gladman
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 17, 2002
First half of a panel with Anne Waldman, Joanne Kyger, Eleni Sikelianos, Harryette Mullen, Steven Taylor, and Renee Gladman. Waldman reads “Sister arise and vocalize: is there anyone under that chador?” Kyger discusses modernist women poets. Sikelianos reads “Yo, self / yo, maximus.” Mullen discusses categories, forms, and perceptions. Taylor discusses Claude Levi-Strauss, Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva. Renee Gladman discusses poetry and triangles.

Panel: Anne Waldman, Joanne Kyger, Eleni Sikelianos, Harryette Mullen, Steven Taylor, Renee Gladman
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 17, 2002
Second half of a panel with Anne Waldman, Joanne Kyger, Eleni Sikelianos, Harryette Mullen, Steven Taylor, Renee Gladman. This section contains the remainder of the question and answer session. Topics discussed include gendered grammar and syntax, the feminization of America, the commodification of sex, and the patriarchy.

Panel: Anne Waldman, Marjorie Welish, Maureen Owen, Edwin Torres, Steve Lacy, Irene Aebi, Kenward Elmslie, Julie Patton, and Steven Taylor
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July, 9 2001
A panel on visual arts and performance chaired by Anne Waldman. Panelists Marjorie Welish, Maureen Owen, Edwin Torres, Steve Lacy, Irene Aebi, Kenward Elmslie, Julie Patton, and Steven Taylor make individual statements about the relationships between the creative arts and respond to questions from the audience. The panelists discuss their performance and collaboration work in writing, music, and other art forms. Several panelists place themselves in a historical context, discussing their relationship to earlier artists ranging from Homer to the New York jazz scene in the 1960s and 1970s. The event includes Marjorie Welish reading and discussing John Taggart’s poem “Slow song for Mark Rothko,” as well as Kenward Elmslie and Steven Taylor performing Elmslie’s songs “Eggs,” and “And I was there.”

Eco-poetics panel
Jack Collom, Joanne Kyger, Andrew Schelling, Anne Waldman, Peter Warshall
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 16, 1997
Wide ranging panel discussion on topics of ecology, dharma, environmental protection, the language and stories of those realms, and their implications for new writing.

A Barbara Guest Tribute
Mei Mei Berssenbrugge, Barbara Guest, Anne Waldman
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 23, 1998
A Barbara Guest Tribute with Barbara Guest and Anne Waldman. The tribute includes Waldman discussing Guest’s titles, Guest’s biography on HD, and a reading. Guest continues a discussion on what a poem is, followed by a reading and comments on erasure, hauntedness, physicallity, and destructiveness, a discussion on ego, availability of information, and “experimental” being gone from Naropa.

Panel on counter-poetics and opposition, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 20, 1992
First half of a panel on counter-poetics and opposition with Anne Waldman, Joanne Kyger, Amiri Baraka, Allen Ginsberg, and Peter Lamborn Wilson. Waldman begins by reading an excerpt from Columbus’s journal describing how easy it will be to exploit the people of the Americas. She proposes a program for incorporating political activism into poetics. The panelists make individual statements about counter-poetics and move to more open discussion. They propose definitions for the term and look at how to be oppositional in relation to racism, eurocentrism, and political oppression. The panel includes a reading by Peter Lamborn Wilson of his sermonette “Critique of the listener.”

Panel on counter-poetics and opposition, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 20, 1992
Second half of a panel on counter-poetics and opposition with Anne Waldman, Joanne Kyger, Amiri Baraka, Allen Ginsberg, and Peter Lamborn Wilson. Waldman begins by reading an excerpt from Columbus’s journal describing how easy it will be to exploit the people of the Americas. She proposes a program for incorporating political activism into poetics. The panelists make individual statements about counter-poetics and move to more open discussion. They propose definitions for the term and look at how to be oppositional in relation to racism, eurocentrism, and political oppression. The panel includes a reading by Peter Lamborn Wilson of his sermonette “Critique of the listener.”

Anne Waldman and Peter Warshall lecture, Biosphere and noosphere
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 3, 1992
Anne Waldman and Peter Warshall lecture on the biosphere, the noosphere, nature and mind. Waldman explains Teilhard de Chardin’s idea of the noosphere and goes on to explore the relationship between human beings and nature, including the ways in which we are destroying our own environment. She connects our situation to the Buddhist concept of the six realms of existence. Warshall defines the extent of the biosphere in which life exists. He talks about his experience as a biologist for the Biosphere 2 Project, at the University of Arizona, where scientists created an ecological community cut off from the rest of the world. He discusses problems that arose in the project with hummingbirds and the limitations that they revealed in human understanding of nature.

Anne Waldman Class
September 13, 1989
This first class of Waldman’s graduate Gertrude Stein seminar centers on Stein’s book The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. The class discusses their reading of the text in-depth and Waldman lectures on Stein’s earlier life, her teachers, brother and her relationship with Alice B. Toklas.

Anne Waldman class, Spirit in poetry, 2nd half
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 11, 1989
First half of an Ann Waldman class on spirit in poetry. Waldman discusses the relationship between poetry and the sacred. She draws on a wide variety of material, including the work of Ted Berrigan, Charles Olson, Sumerian mythology, Dante, and Buddhist treasure texts.

Anne Waldman class, Spirit in poetry, 2nd half
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 11, 1989
Second half of an Ann Waldman class on spirit in poetry. Waldman discusses the medieval Christian poem “Dream of the rood,” Walt Whitman’s mystical experience, ecstasy and revelation, and other aspects of the relationship between poetry and spiritual experience.

Anne Waldman class, Spirit in poetry, 2nd half
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 6, 1989
First half of an Ann Waldman class on spirit in poetry. Waldman discusses the relationship between poetry and the sacred. She draws on a wide variety of material, including the work of Ted Berrigan, Charles Olson, Sumerian mythology, Dante, and Buddhist treasure texts

Anne Waldman class, I is another, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 11, 1988
First half of a class with Anne Waldman and Bobbie Louise Hawkins speaking on New American Poetry, including the theory and techniques of writing poetry, focusing on taking on other identities and voices as a writer. They read and discuss passages from a variety of writers including Gary Snyder, Robert Graves and Jerome Rothenberg. They discuss experimental writing techniques such as using the roots of words in order to generate new ideas and the role of the artist in society. Hawkins leads a performance exercise.

Anne Waldman class, I is another, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 11, 1988
Second half of an Anne Waldman class exploring the ways and purposes, such as artistic or spiritual, to write from voices and perspectives other than one’s own. Waldman discussed ideas for writing and performance.

Anne Waldman lecture: Performance and shamanism, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 13, 1987
Anne Waldman lectures on performance and poetry, focusing on the poet as shaman. She defines performance poetry, traces its history in relation to ritual and healing, and looks at how present day poets continue to function as shamans by receiving wisdom through suffering and conducting rituals for the benefit of society. She describes the work of Mircea Eliade and gives examples of contemporary shamanistic practices. During the second part of the lecture she reads and plays recordings of 20th century performance poetry.

Anne Waldman lecture: Performance and shamanism, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 13, 1987
Second half of Anne Waldman’s lecture on performance poetry and shamanism. Waldman plays examples of performance poetry.

Anne Waldman class, Word women, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 18, 1986
First half of a class by Anne Waldman. Waldman discusses potential ways of working, using collage as an example. She focuses on John Keats’s “Negative capability” and Robert Creeley’s “A sense of measure.” The class concludes with student work and discussion.

Anne Waldman class, Word women, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 18, 1986
Second half of a class by Anne Waldman. Waldman discusses potential ways of working, using collage as an example. She focuses on John Keats’s “Negative capability” and Robert Creeley’s “A sense of measure.” The class concludes with student work and discussion.

Anne Waldman class, Word women, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 14, 1986
First half of an Anne Waldman class. Waldman discusses the poets Arthur Rimbaud, Ezra Pound, Emily Dickenson, and Sappho. There is also a question and answer session.

Anne Waldman class, Word women, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 14, 1986
Second half of an Anne Waldman class. Waldman discusses Elizabeth Bishop’s poems, including “Twelve o’clock news,” followed by a brief class discussion of Bishop and translation.

Anne Waldman class, Word women, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 27, 1986
First half of an Anne Waldman class about language and consciousness, with particular emphasis on the Navajo language and the work of Gertrude Stein. Waldman reads selections from Robert Creeley, Bernadette Mayer, Emily Dickinson, Stein, her own work, and others.

Anne Waldman class, Word women, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 27, 1986
Second half of an Anne Waldman class about language and consciousness. This half of the class is devoted to student work, assignments, and a writing exercise.

William S. Burroughs class on the technology and ethic of wishing, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 25, 1986
First half of a class by William S. Burroughs on the technology and the ethics of wishing. The discussion includes rules for wishing, the dogma of science, L. Ron Hubbard, The Big Lie, and sympathetic magic. The class also includes a question and answer session covering subjects such as memory, Henry Miller, dreams in writing, and defining the soul.

William S. Burroughs class on the technology and ethic of wishing, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 25, 1986
Second half of a class by William S. Burroughs on the technology and the ethics of wishing. This half contains additional commentary by Anne Waldman and Allen Ginsberg. Included is a question and answer session that covers the space shuttle Challenger explosion, lucid dreaming, yoga, feminine energy, DNA, the Dalai Lama, and music. Waldman also discusses the ego, rituals, science and why questions, death, birth, mortality, and the bodhisattva.

Anne Waldman class, Shamanic poetries, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 23, 1986
First half of a class, in a series of classes by Anne Waldman on “Shamanic Poetries.” Waldman discusses the definitions and possibilities of shamanic poetries, the prehistoric roots of shamanism, and how to personalize your cosmos. She also presents ideas from Tibetan rituals and Tibetan folk dramas.

Anne Waldman class, Shamanic poetries, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 23, 1986
Second half of a class, in a series of classes by Anne Waldman on “Shamanic Poetries.” Waldman presents the ideas of dreamwork in shamanism. Also included is a class discussion on Irish poet William Butler Yeats’s “Crazy Jane” poems.

Allen Ginsberg & Anne Waldman Poetry class
May 23, 1986
Final discussion in an Allen Ginsberg class on poetry. Anne Waldman teaches jointly, they emphasize the way a poem is meant to be read as well as different possibilities for brainstorming as a group.

Anne Waldman lecture on William S. Burroughs’s cut-up method, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 23, 1985
First half of an Anne Waldman lecture on the use of the cut-up technique in the work of William S. Burroughs, tracing it from its early development through his later work. She reads from Burroughs’s writing and an interview with him in The Paris Review, plays his cut-up tapes, and talks about how Burroughs extended the idea of cut-ups beyond writing to a way of understanding the universe in magical and mystical terms.

Anne Waldman lecture on William S. Burroughs’s cut-up method, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 23, 1985
Second half of an Anne Waldman lecture on the use of the cut-up technique in the work of William S. Burroughs, tracing it from its early development through his later work. She reads from Burroughs’s writing and an interview with him in The Paris Review, plays his cut-up tapes, and talks about how Burroughs extended the idea of cut-ups beyond writing to a way of understanding the universe in magical and mystical terms.

Anne Waldman lecture on William S. Burroughs’s cut-up method
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 23, 1985
Second half of an Anne Waldman lecture on the use of the cut-up technique in the work of William S. Burroughs, tracing it from its early development through his later work. She reads from Burroughs’s writing and an interview with him in The Paris Review, plays his cut-up tapes, and talks about how Burroughs extended the idea of cut-ups beyond writing to a way of understanding the universe in magical and mystical terms.

Anne Waldman workshop
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 1, 1982
Anne Waldman leads a workshop on the sources, sounds, and structures of poetry. She reads extensively from an interview with William Carlos Williams and discusses his ideas and his relation to Jack Kerouac. She reads and discusses her own work, including “Two hearts,” a sonnet modeled on Sir Philip Sidney, and her poem “Skin, meat, bones.” Waldman also examines the writing and ideas of Frank O’Hara, Gertrude Stein, Philip Whalen and others. In response to a question from a student, she discusses pantoums and the use of form in poetry. Waldman concludes by reading from Kerouac’s novels, including On The Road, and from Williams’s The Young Housewife.

Anne Waldman workshop, Part 1
Kerouac conference
June 1, 1982
First half of an Anne Waldman workshop on writing. The class begins with a discussion about what led people to come to the Kerouac conference. Waldman talks about how she became involved with the Beats and came to Boulder, the founding of Naropa, and Kerouac’s influence on the school. She reads and discusses part of an interview with William Carlos Williams, about writing poetry, and selections from Gertrude Stein, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and other poets. Students read their work and Waldman comments and makes suggestions.

Anne Waldman workshop, Part 2
Kerouac conference
June 1, 1982
Second half of an Anne Waldman workshop on writing. The class begins with a discussion about what led people to come to the conference. Waldman talks about how she became involved with the Beats and came to Boulder, the founding of Naropa, and Kerouac’s influence on the school. She reads and discusses part of an interview with William Carlos Williams, about writing poetry, and selections from Gertrude Stein, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and other poets. Students read their work and Waldman comments and makes suggestions.

Anne Waldman class
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 20, 1980
Anne Waldman, Rotating Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida. Waldman concludes her first class on Troilus and Cressida, giving a writing assignment based on the play and playing audio recordings of scenes from the play. This is class 2 of 4.

Anne Waldman class
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
June 3, 1980
Anne Waldman, Rotating Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida, June 1980. Waldman presents a second class on Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, discussing the post-apocalyptic quality of the play, Shakespeare’s genius, the nihilism and “modernity” of the play, its status as a “problem play” and its relationships with other of Shakespeare’s problem plays. A love scene from Romeo and Juliet is compared with a love scene from Troilus and Cressida, and a passage from Milton is read to show connections between the “Latinate diction” of the play and that of future works. (Continued on 80P142). This is class 3 of 4.

Anne Waldman class
June 1, 1980
Anne Waldman, Rotating Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida, June 1980. Waldman presents a class on Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, discussing the historical, biographical, and cultural context of the play as well as exploring the main characters and reading from the more famous speeches of the play. This is class 1 of 4.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 10
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 17, 1979
A class in a series by Anne Waldman, “Poet as Shaman,” part 10. Class topics include Michael McClure’s “Ghost Tantras,” Buddhism in the Kerouac School, and Hugo Ball.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 9
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
A class in a series by Anne Waldman, “Poet as Shaman,” part 9. Waldman discusses Gertrude Stein. The students read aloud sections of Stein’s work, followed by a class discussion and a student presentation on Druids

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 8
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
A class in a series by Anne Waldman, “Poet as Shaman,” part 8. Waldman discusses Louis Zukovsky’s translations of Dante and defines candidates for shamanism.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 7
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
An Anne Waldman class, “Poet as Shaman,” part 7. Waldman begins the class with a discussion of Rocky Flats demonstrations and vigils. The class moves on to an analysis of the work of John Ashberry and Helen Adam, followed by Waldman lecturing on Picasso.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 6
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
An Anne Waldman class, “Poet as Shaman,” part 6. Waldman lectures on the work of Jack Spicer, Robert Duncan and John Ashbery. Waldman also discusses dream analysis.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 5
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 5, 1979
An Anne Waldman class, “Poet as Shaman,” part 5. In this class students present their questions to Waldman about what has happened in the series so far.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 4
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
An Anne Waldman class, “Poet as Shaman,” part 4. Waldman discusses ways traditional religions and cultures have transformed in order to survive, and what happens when surviving symbols become empty. The class aslo discusses the social functions of dreams.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 3
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
An Anne Waldman class, “Poet as Shaman,” part 3. Waldman discusses the Aztec Quetzalcoatl myth, as well as Christian myths. Students continue to talk about dreams from the previous class.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
An Anne Waldman class, “Poet as Shaman,” part 2. The works of poets Frank O’Hara and Charles Olson are discussed along with the ideas of poems as journeys or other worlds, and dreaming and butterfly imagery in the poetry of Chang-Tzu.

Anne Waldman class, Poet as shaman, part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 1979
A class in a series by Anne Waldman, “Poet as shaman,” part 1. Students read and discuss dreams that they have recorded. Also included are discussions of Navajo songs, snake medicine songs, and an all night chant with mushrooms.

Anne Waldman Class
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 17, 1978
One in a series of classes given by Anne Waldman on the work of Gertrude Stein at the Naropa Institute. In this class Waldman focuses on Stein’s play Four saints in three acts, reading from the play and discussing its background, language, and production.

Anne Waldman Class
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 18, 1978
A class given by Anne Waldman on the work of Gertrude Stein. Waldman gives background on herself, Stein, and the various artists and cultural influences on Stein’s context of twentieth century France.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 17, 1977
First half of the final class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. Waldman continues the discussion about Gertrude Stein that began in the August 15th class. She reads excerpts from Stein’s book Lifting Belly, “A piece of coffee” from Stein’s book Tender Buttons, followed by Stein’s comments on “A piece of coffee.” Waldman also reads some of Clark Coolidge’s work and compares it to that of Stein. The final part of the class is devoted to student presentations.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 17, 1977
Second half of the final class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977, primarily consisting of student presentations. Each student reports on a subject that they have chosen for further study and then presents that subject to the entire class. Waldman makes a few closing remarks and reads from Gertrude Stein’s “Why do you feel differently?”

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 15, 1977
First half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977, focusing on the life and work of Gertrude Stein. The class includes student discussion with Waldman lecturing on Stein’s life and style of writing, readings from Stein’s books Lifting Belly, Three Lives, and Tender Buttons, and a brief introduction to the plays of Christopher Knowles.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 15, 1977
Second half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977, focusing on the life and work of Gertrude Stein. The class includes student discussion with Waldman lecturing on Stein’s life and style of writing, readings from Stein’s books Lifting Belly, Three Lives, and Tender Buttons, and a brief introduction to the plays of Christopher Knowles.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 10, 1977
First half of an Anne Waldman class on women writers from the summer of 1977. Waldman focuses on the poets Sei Shonagon, Collette, Helen Adam, Denise Levertov, Sylvia Plath, Joanne Kyger, and Bernadette Mayer. Waldman plays several audio cassettes of the poets reading their own work.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 10, 1977
Second half of an Anne Waldman class on women writers from the summer of 1977. Waldman focuses on the poets Sei Shonagon, Collette, Helen Adam, Denise Levertov, Sylvia Plath, Joanne Kyger, and Bernadette Mayer. This recording begins with a continuation from the previous tape of an audio cassete with a Bernadette Mayer reading. Waldman plays another tape by Gertrude Stein, reading selections from her “Making of Americans.”

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 8, 1977
First half of an Anne Waldman class, continuing her series from the summer of 1977 on women writers. This is one of the final classes, discussing the lives of Marianne Moore, Rebecca Brown, Lorine Niedecker, and Jane Bowels. Waldman reads selections from the writers’ works. There is also a discussion of future classes, and a question and answer session.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 8, 1977
Second half of an Anne Waldman class, continuing her series from the summer of 1977 on women writers. Waldman focuses on the writer Djuna Barns and her novel Nightwood. She also introduces the poet Marilyn Hacker to the class. Hacker is in the class and discusses her work and her lineage as a female writer.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 3, 1977
First half of an Anne Waldman class, continuing her series from the summer of 1977 on women writers, focusing on Virginia Woolf. She begins by reading invocations written by students, then reads and discusses selections from Woolf’s work, including “To the lighthouse” and “Mrs. Dalloway.” The class concludes with a question and answer session.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 3, 1977
Second half of an Anne Waldman class, continuing her series from the summer of 1977 on women writers, focusing on Virginia Woolf. She begins by reading invocations written by students, then reads and discusses selections from Woolf’s work, including “To the lighthouse” and “Mrs. Dalloway.” The class concludes with a question and answer session.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
August 1, 1977
A class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. The class is introduced to the life and work of Monique Wittig. She also finishes notes on Jane Austen. Toward the end of the lecture, Anne Waldman introduces the class to the life and work of Viginia Woolf, and there is a little more about HD (Hilda Doolittle).

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 27, 1977
First half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. The class consists of notes on Jane Austen and readings of her work, discussion of Virginia Woolf and Jean Rhys, and a discussion of the goddess and her role in women’s writings. Readings make up most of the class.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 27, 1977
Second half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. The entire class is Anne reading selections from Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 25, 1977
First half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. This class comtinues the discussion of Emily Dickinson. Poems and letters are read by Anne Waldman. The class also continues the discussion of the goddess in female writing and is introduced to the work and artistry of Jane Austen.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 25, 1977
Second half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. This includes a discussion and brief history of Jane Austen, including biographical and other critical information that is referenced in other tapes.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 1
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 20, 1977
First half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. This class finishes the discussion of Sappho from her previous class, and then moves into the writer HD. The bulk of the class is about the history and writing of HD. Toward the end the class is introduced to Robert Graves’s “The White Goddess” and to Gertrude Stein.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 20, 1977
Second half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. This class is about Emily Dickinson. Her life and work are discusssed in great detail. Anne reads Dickinson’s work and offers information on Dickinson’s biography, poetry, and letters.

Anne Waldman class, Some Women Writers, Part 2
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 20, 1977
Second half of a class from Anne Waldman’s month-long series on female writers, “Some Women Writers,” during the summer of 1977. This class is a brief history of female writers in Greece with a focus on Sappho. Sappho’s poems are read in Greek as well as in translation. Sappho’s life and work are discussed.

Anne Waldman class on Frank O’Hara’s poems
Summer Writing Program, Naropa
Boulder, CO
July 21, 1976
A class with Anne Waldman reading and discussing Frank O’Hara’s poems, including: “Steps,” “Ave Maria,” and “In Memory of My Feelings.”

William Burroughs Loka interview
Boulder, CO
An interview with William S. Burroughs for Loka magazine with additional commentary by Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman. The interview covers topics such as government, the New Age movement, identity, biology, cloning, war, escapism, and gurus.
