
Naropa Summer Writing Program, Week 3, June 16 – 21, Boulder, CO

Lineages, Histories, Archives and Beyond: Roots, Elders, Maps

The Kerouac School is celebrating its 40th year, and this week will focus on some of the dynamic histories of persons and poetic literary movements of the past decades that have inspired and been held by the pedagogy at Naropa’s Poetics. The New American Poetry and Black Arts were triggers for a greater range of open form, “non-closure” poetries, cut-ups, sundry hybrid forms, OuLiPo considerations, Language strategies, activist poetics, collaboration, translation, visual arts and jazz input. We will engage a scholarly look at some of the “scene” of the last decades.

Week 3 guests include:
Clark Coolidge
Renee Gladman
Jen Hofer
Jade Lascelles
Tracie Morris
Laura Mullen
Hoa Nguyen
Khadijah Queen
Stacy Szymaszek
Lewis Warsh
Matvei Yankelevich

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