
Soldateque / Soldiering

soldatesque-soldieringWith Dreams of Wartime
2011 • 66 pages • ISBN: 978-1-60964-076-7 • $20 • Poetry, paintings by Noah Saterstrom
BlazeVOX [books]

“The visual idiom unleashed in Noah Saterstrom’s online Work-a-Day drawings – improvisational, fragmentary, fluid – is perhaps related to the telling of dreams, and has found marvelous fulfillment in the frieze panels of Soldatesque. One image flows seamlessly into another as the oblique narrative unfolds within a shifting but oddly convincing space. Painted with great intimacy, these images seem perfectly at one with Anne Waldman’s simultaneously explicit and enigmatic text.”
—Timothy Hyman

“‘Be a soldier to thy purpose.’ (Shakespeare) With warrior-like stamina and unrelenting bravura, Waldman offers a template for ‘a different approach’ leading to an aphoristic, ecstatic truth. Here, this truth manifests visually in Saterstrom’s tender, faded images of war. We have seen them and not seen them, we have averted our eyes from them, we have forgotten them…yet how they lurk in our memories and haunt us.”
—Mónica de la Torre

“Here on the home front Anne and Noah’s word-and-image frieze blossoms like an immensely considerate device improvised for those Gentle Reader hands remaining.”
—Bill Berkson


2012 • DVD
Fast Speaking Music

A video collaboration:
Performance: Anne Waldman
Paintings: Noah Saterstrom
Music: Daniel Carter and Ambrose Bye
Videography: Adam Cooper-Terán
Footage: Ed Bowes
Essay: Bill Berkson
