
Sound Waves: Live Poetry and Color; The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, St. Louis, MO

Sound Waves: Live Poetry and Color
Thursday, November 14, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts
3716 Washington Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 754-1850 | www.pulitzerarts.org

Gain inspiration from visual art, music, and contemporary literature as vibraphone musicians and commissioned poets respond to Donald Judd: The Multicolored Works. Guggenheim Fellow Anne Waldman, Mónica de la Torre, senior editor of BOMB, and Cave Canem Fellow St. Louis-based poet Treasure Shields Redmond will perform original poetry alongside Judd’s work.

Sound Waves is a collaboration between The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts and 88.1 KDHX, a nonprofit arts and educational community media organization. Through this partnership, live and recorded music is presented inside the Pulitzer galleries for all to enjoy.

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