
The Angel Hair Anthology

angel-hairAngel Hair Sleeps With A Boy In My Head

Edited by Anne Waldman and Lewis Warsh

2001 • 650 pages • ISBN: 9781887123501 • $44.95 • Poetry

Granary Books

This anthology presents material selected from the collection of Angel Hair magazine and books edited by Anne Waldman and Lewis Warsh between 1966 and 1978. Included are substantial sections of writing (in some cases entire books) from an astonishing range of poets, including Clark Coolidge, Alice Notley, Hannah Weiner, Tom Clark, Bernadette Mayer, Kenward Elmslie, Robert Creeley, Joanne Kyger, Bill Berkson, Ted Greenwald, Lorenzo Thomas, John Wieners, Joe Brainard, Ron Padgett and the editors, to name just a few. From the nascent St. Mark’s Poetry Project on the Lower East Side of Manhattan to Bolinas and Boulder, Angel Hairpublished an idiosyncratic cross-section of innovative writing in distinctive format—it is one of the longest-lived and most influential publishers on the small press scene. The anthology is supplemented with short memoirs from about twenty writers. It also includes an annotated checklist by Aaron Fischer and Steven Clay that comprises a citation and photograph of each of the approximately eighty books, magazines, broadsides and catalogs issued by the Press. Ms. Waldman and Mr. Warsh each contribute introductions.

“This large & generous anthology is not only an archival masterpiece—the best of a time that’s now gone though scarce forgotten—but an incitement to keep their work alive for a still newer generation”
—Jerome Rothenberg
